Monday, December 9, 2019

A very heartfelt thank you to anyone that donated to our Second Chance Toys plastic toy drive. Many toys were collected to share with Norwescap Headstart in Denville, NJ.

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Wednesday, November 13, 2019



This month is a reminder for us to be grateful
for all of the positive things in our lives.

Shop-Rite came into our Pre School classes to read, The Hungry Caterpillar and discussed healthy eating.
November 19th at 7pm in our media center, Shop Rite will be here to hold a Pre School parent program about healthy eating and healthy snacks for Pre Schoolers.
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Pre School parents please join us!!

I have been working on doing the vision and hearing screening of 1st grade students. I have also gone into 1st grade classrooms to read a story called, "Germs Make Me Sick!", by Melvin Berger. We then discussed germs, how they spread and how to keep ourselves well.  We reviewed how to properly wash our hands and cough into our elbows.  We also did a fun activity where two students get a little vaseline and cinnamon on their hands to show how it might look if we could actually see germs with our eyes. They then high five or shake hands with their classmates to show how easily the "germs" are spread from person to person.

Please remember to keep your students home if they have a temperature >100 degrees, have vomited or had diarrhea. We have a district policy that students must be fever free and free of vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.

PRE K PARENT/GUARDIANS: Please remember to submit documentation of the flu vaccination prior to the holiday break. NJ Law requires this documentation into the Health Office by 12/31/19 for all PreK students who have NOT turned 5 years old by December 31st.

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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Health Office Vision and Hearing Screenings

Health Screenings
Halloween is a good time to learn how healthy eating and exercise helps our bones to be strong.

Each student has their height and weight recorded the first two weeks of school.

Vision and hearing screening is performed on all students Pre K-4th grade. Parents will be notified if the results are not within the normal ranges. (NJ Law does not require it done yearly for all grade levels), Blood pressure is obtained when the student comes for the vision and hearing screening.

If a student does not pass the hearing screening, it will be repeated within a few weeks and then you will be notified if they did not pass again. You will be notified if wax appears to be blocking the ear canal.

Pre K students are screened using the Ero-Scan machine which is an automatic screening device that indicates "pass, fail or refer".
Kindergarten-4th grade students sit for an audiometer screening.

The referral level for far vision is 20/40, or if there is a two step difference between the eyes. For example, left eye 20/30 and right eye 20/50.
Muscle balance referral is for a student does not pass at near and far distances.
Please understand that a referral does not mean that your student requires glasses. It means that an eye exam by an eye doctor to exam vision and check eye health is warranted. A report will be sent home and it is appreciated that you have your eye doctor fill in the form and then return it to the Health Office.

Pre K students are screened using a Good-Lite shape board. Verbal skills are not required as shape matching is utilized. Your student's paraprofessionals are instrumental in assisting the nurse with this screening.

Generally, screening is started in October for any Kindergarten student who did not attend the Spring screening session or submit documentation from their physician. Screening continues with 1st Grade-4th grade until April.  You will be notified only if your student does not screen within the normal ranges. Please call the Health Office at 973-584-8957 if you have any questions.

Kindergartners were read a story, "Germs Are Not For Sharing", and we discussed coughing or sneezing into an elbow. They also learned that germs are easily spread through the air and on touch surfaces.  The proper technique for handwashing was reviewed, as well as when it is a good idea to wash hands.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019




If you have medication that your student will/may use during the school day, please go to, then the  Nursing Health Services tab and click on forms. Look for your forms under that section.
A medication permission form is needed for each medication prescribed by your doctor.  A  parent and doctor need to sign the forms.
Please be aware that parents/guardians must transport medication to and from school. Students in elementary school cannot carry their own medication.

Any student with anaphylaxis or other emergency medical conditions MUST submit medical documentation along with the medications.

Inhalers and spacers need to be submitted to the health office.

Medical conditions:

Returning students were given information on printing the medication forms in June to allow for time to visit the doctor and have the forms processed.  If your student has Asthma, the Asthma Action Plan is on the district website, for Anaphylaxis issues, the Anaphylaxis plan is on the district website.

Emergency cards:

Emergency cards are distributed during the first week of school. Please fill in all areas on both sides, sign it and return to the school as soon as possible.  Please make sure you provide other contact numbers in case you are not available. Thank you!


You may notify the school of your child's absence or tardiness by the following:
1. Call 973-584-8957 and leave a message on the voice mail indicating student name, teacher and reason for the absence.
2. Genesis has a new feature for parents to enter absences under "attendance" or "summary". Look for "notify the attendance office" tab.
3. Send in a note to the teacher and nurse indicating the absence.
4. Emails to the nurse may be missed if a substitute is present that day.  Calls to voicemail are preferred.
5. If your student is sent home ill from school, the following day that the student must remain home will be entered as "excused" in Genesis.

When to keep your child home:
1. When your child has vomited or has diarrhea-stay home for 24 hours or more without any further episodes.
2. When your child has a temperature >100.0 degrees.
3. When a cough may be too disruptive to the learning environment.
4. After starting on an antibiotic-give 24 hours to become non-contagious.
5. When live lice are discovered-give the treatment and begin the comb out. Call Mrs. Zenna to come in the next day for evaluation. There is a head lice resource manual on the Nursing Health Services section of the district website.

Food Policy:

Please remind your student that food may not be shared in the classroom at snack time or during lunch. Many students have food allergies or sensitivities. Please consult the "Acceptable Foods" list on our website to avoid sending in any snacks that contain nuts. Remember that fruits and vegetables are nut free! 

Pre K students

NJ law mandates that Pre K students who will not turn 5  by December 31st, must turn in documentation of a flu vaccination for that year. Mrs. Zenna will provide reminders for you, but remember to submit your documentation.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

June end of year reminders

2019-2020 THIRD GRADE PARENTS:  A Universal Health Record physical exam form was sent home to you this month.  It is recommended that students have a physical exam on file at school for the 3rd grade year.  Kindly have your physician fill it out at your student’s next exam during the third grade school year, then return it to the Health Office.  Thank you!

MEDICATION-If your child currently has medication in school, the medication must go home with you in June.  Students are not allowed to transport medication, only adults may do so. Please plan on picking up the medication those last few short days of school. I will be sending home information to print new medication permission forms so that you may have them filled in by your physician at your convenience this summer. 

Please make your medical appointment soon. All medications and forms must be submitted to the Health office by the first day of school in order to provide a safe environment for your student. Any student with life-threatening medical conditions will not be permitted to start school unless their emergency medication and paperwork is in the Health office prior to the first day of school.

ROXBURY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT MEDICATION POLICY- a copy of Regulation 5330 is available on the district website.  FORMS-found under the “Nursing Health Services" tab. Go to "District Offices", "Nursing Health Services", then "forms'. Please read it carefully in case your student requires medication to be given during the school during the year.  A physician’s order and parent signature are required for all medications, over –the- counter or prescription.

Please remember to check your student for head lice prior to returning to school. There is a head lice manual to reference on the district website under "Nursing  Health Services". Go to "District Offices", the "Nursing Health Services", then "Informational Pages"-thank you!

Remember to use sunscreen and keep hydrated!

Have a healthy and sunburn free summer!
Mrs. Zenna

Thursday, May 2, 2019

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month

Make a mental health check-up

  Touch base with yourself and your family members about mental health issues.

There are services available in the community if you need support for any mental health issue.

Pediatric Psychiatry Collaborative-(PPC) is funded through NJ Department of Children and Families, is a statewide program that aims to improve the comfort and competence of primary care providers to screen, identify and manage children with mental/behavioral health and substance use concerns.  Participating pediatric primary care providers agree to conduct universal standardized mental/behavioral and substance use screenings at patient visits. They can refer those they identify as needing support to their regional PPC Hub, and will then work one-on-one with the patients' family to conduct intake, assess a child's level of need and provide families with referral to appropriate community resources. or call 609-842-0014

Thursday, January 17, 2019


We were fortunate to have the Zufall Dental Program visit our 3rd grade and Pre School students.
They watched a powerpoint and discussed and learned the importance of good oral hygiene.

Please remember that Give Kids a Smile Day is February 1, 2019.   If you qualify for services, free dental care is available for children ages 12 and younger.  You would need to contact one of the following dentists in Morris County.

1. First Care Dental Center, Parsippany #973-882-5005
2. Kidz World Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Cedar Knolls #973-585-6756
3. Maxine P. Vu, DDS, Denville #973-625-3222
4. Michael Armento, DMD, Randolph #973-361-6500

Additional information is available on the NJ Dental Association website: