Thursday, May 2, 2019

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month

Make a mental health check-up

  Touch base with yourself and your family members about mental health issues.

There are services available in the community if you need support for any mental health issue.

Pediatric Psychiatry Collaborative-(PPC) is funded through NJ Department of Children and Families, is a statewide program that aims to improve the comfort and competence of primary care providers to screen, identify and manage children with mental/behavioral health and substance use concerns.  Participating pediatric primary care providers agree to conduct universal standardized mental/behavioral and substance use screenings at patient visits. They can refer those they identify as needing support to their regional PPC Hub, and will then work one-on-one with the patients' family to conduct intake, assess a child's level of need and provide families with referral to appropriate community resources. or call 609-842-0014