Wednesday, November 13, 2019



This month is a reminder for us to be grateful
for all of the positive things in our lives.

Shop-Rite came into our Pre School classes to read, The Hungry Caterpillar and discussed healthy eating.
November 19th at 7pm in our media center, Shop Rite will be here to hold a Pre School parent program about healthy eating and healthy snacks for Pre Schoolers.
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Pre School parents please join us!!

I have been working on doing the vision and hearing screening of 1st grade students. I have also gone into 1st grade classrooms to read a story called, "Germs Make Me Sick!", by Melvin Berger. We then discussed germs, how they spread and how to keep ourselves well.  We reviewed how to properly wash our hands and cough into our elbows.  We also did a fun activity where two students get a little vaseline and cinnamon on their hands to show how it might look if we could actually see germs with our eyes. They then high five or shake hands with their classmates to show how easily the "germs" are spread from person to person.

Please remember to keep your students home if they have a temperature >100 degrees, have vomited or had diarrhea. We have a district policy that students must be fever free and free of vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.

PRE K PARENT/GUARDIANS: Please remember to submit documentation of the flu vaccination prior to the holiday break. NJ Law requires this documentation into the Health Office by 12/31/19 for all PreK students who have NOT turned 5 years old by December 31st.

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