Tuesday, March 21, 2017

February is dental health month


It is recommended that everyone see a dentist twice a year for cleanings and checkups.  There are many local dentists available in the phone book, or the Zufall Health Center (formally Dover Clinic) offers dental appointments at a reduced price for those who qualify financially.  The phone number is 973-328-3344.  Please call the Health Office if you are unable to afford dental care.
 “Give Kids a Smile Day” is a free service offered by some dentists in our county.  An email was sent from school with local dentists who will provide free dental cleanings for students under age 12.  Call the Health Office at 973-585-8957 for more information.

Children younger than age six should only use a pea sized amount of toothpaste with fluoride to prevent swallowing too much fluoride.

Image result for toothbrush cartoon imagesRemember to change your toothbrush every six months and after illnesses, especially Strep Throat. It is important that every family member uses their own toothbrush.

Keep dental floss available and remind children to use it regularly.  Regular flossing reduces illness related to oral infections, and helps prevent cavities.

Products to alleviate mouth discomfort from teething may be dangerous for children under two years of age.  Benzocaine, a common ingredient, has been placed on the FDA warning list for this age group.  Consult with your dentist and pediatrician about what products are safe to use.   Try using a chilled teething ring or try a gentle massage of the child’s gum with your clean finger.

If your child takes antihistamines or decongestants regularly, encourage sipping water to prevent dry mouth caused by the medications.  Chronic dry mouth can lead to tooth decay.

If a tooth breaks, keep the area clean by rinsing the mouth with warm water and call your dentist. If you have the broken fragment, bring it along.

If a permanent tooth gets knocked out, call your dentist.  If the root is dirty, rinse it with warm water, but don’t scrub it.  If you can, gently insert it and hold it in the socket. If you can’t reinsert it, put it in a container with milk, water, the child’s saliva or a prepared saline solution and bring it to the dentist.

(Miles of Smiles, NJ Department of Health and Senior Services Children’s Oral Health Program 2009-2010)

During February, the students learn a new dental fact or oral health tip daily during the morning messages. Ask them what they’ve learned. The health showcase will give them examples of popular drinks and how much sugar is in each serving. Remember to send water instead of juice for sipping throughout the day!

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