Wednesday, September 25, 2019




If you have medication that your student will/may use during the school day, please go to, then the  Nursing Health Services tab and click on forms. Look for your forms under that section.
A medication permission form is needed for each medication prescribed by your doctor.  A  parent and doctor need to sign the forms.
Please be aware that parents/guardians must transport medication to and from school. Students in elementary school cannot carry their own medication.

Any student with anaphylaxis or other emergency medical conditions MUST submit medical documentation along with the medications.

Inhalers and spacers need to be submitted to the health office.

Medical conditions:

Returning students were given information on printing the medication forms in June to allow for time to visit the doctor and have the forms processed.  If your student has Asthma, the Asthma Action Plan is on the district website, for Anaphylaxis issues, the Anaphylaxis plan is on the district website.

Emergency cards:

Emergency cards are distributed during the first week of school. Please fill in all areas on both sides, sign it and return to the school as soon as possible.  Please make sure you provide other contact numbers in case you are not available. Thank you!


You may notify the school of your child's absence or tardiness by the following:
1. Call 973-584-8957 and leave a message on the voice mail indicating student name, teacher and reason for the absence.
2. Genesis has a new feature for parents to enter absences under "attendance" or "summary". Look for "notify the attendance office" tab.
3. Send in a note to the teacher and nurse indicating the absence.
4. Emails to the nurse may be missed if a substitute is present that day.  Calls to voicemail are preferred.
5. If your student is sent home ill from school, the following day that the student must remain home will be entered as "excused" in Genesis.

When to keep your child home:
1. When your child has vomited or has diarrhea-stay home for 24 hours or more without any further episodes.
2. When your child has a temperature >100.0 degrees.
3. When a cough may be too disruptive to the learning environment.
4. After starting on an antibiotic-give 24 hours to become non-contagious.
5. When live lice are discovered-give the treatment and begin the comb out. Call Mrs. Zenna to come in the next day for evaluation. There is a head lice resource manual on the Nursing Health Services section of the district website.

Food Policy:

Please remind your student that food may not be shared in the classroom at snack time or during lunch. Many students have food allergies or sensitivities. Please consult the "Acceptable Foods" list on our website to avoid sending in any snacks that contain nuts. Remember that fruits and vegetables are nut free! 

Pre K students

NJ law mandates that Pre K students who will not turn 5  by December 31st, must turn in documentation of a flu vaccination for that year. Mrs. Zenna will provide reminders for you, but remember to submit your documentation.

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